After some months of deliberation, I finally canceled cable. For those that don’t know the background, I put out a request for some support while I was considering dropping the tube in July. Then I posted some reasons why I should...
A year after our son joined our family, I remember looking back over our budget and being amazed. Nothing had changed!!! How could that be? We had host of new expenses like a $100 every few months formula, yet the amount...
The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! -Henry Ward Beecher As I drove home from the...
The 104th Carnival of Debt Reduction – Digging Out Edition Getting out of debt requires intense personal action on our part. Sometimes we like to try and dig our way out of debt by using a small shovel, but the best...
What often happens in marriages with combined finances is that one person will assume control the finances. They pay the bills, watch the accounts, and retain all of the money know how. In our family that is me. Being the analytical...
Sometimes we get to the end of our rope and realize that what we are currently doing isn’t working. Take heart, despite how we may feel at the time, it might be the best thing that ever happened to us. So...
The Happy Rock was a good little rock, but always very curious. Today he leaves for the mountains of Pennsylvania with his friend the Man with The Yellow Hat, 8 children, 4 sister-in-laws, 3 brother-in-laws, and 2 grand parents. Enough with...
I will be on vacation Tuesday – Friday of next week. I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in guest posting @ The Happy Rock next week on short notice. What you will you get in return? The joy...
My wife and I are struggling to cancel the cable once again. We talk about it every time our Comcast bill goes back to normal price. We have internet + digital cable + DVR for about $122 a month. I usually...
As The Rockette, The Pebble, and myself traveled down to the New Jersey shore for a weekend of camping at the Frontier Campground, I was thinking about a few articles I had planned. I didn’t bring the laptop, but I was...