Nothing. Ok, nothing is a exaggeration, but it drives home the point that nothing has changed from a personal perspective. The principles remain the same after after a horrid financial day as they were on Sunday when things weren’t this bad. ...
Just recently my favorite Sunoco gas station in Mount Laurel New Jersey started charging different prices for buying gas with cash and credit. Effectively, they are trying to pass along savings to consumers by charging less for cash. My station is...
Blasphemy, I know…but it is true. I am not talking about some calculation that I do in me head that says doing X isn’t worth the time for the money, but about blatant laziness or avoidance. Sometimes when certain moods strike...
I have a small confession that I need to make. We spent almost $50 this month on Easter supplies and candy. That was just for our 2 year old, since the 2 month old isn’t old enough to partake. Some of...
This past Sunday I handed in my final paper for my MBA degree(Marketing concentration) at Drexel University’s Lebow College of Business. The finality is so fresh that the end of my long two and half year journey hasn’t sunk in. It...
I talked about how success requires bold decisions, so I figured I should share the decisions that where bold and went against the grain to get me were I am at today. Where am I today, you ask? Well…awesome growing marriage,...
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein The truth in that little statement is profound. If we truly want to succeed in our financial life and with our life goals in general,...
The average infant adoption in the US can vary from $5,000 to $30,000 and on average costs $15,000 – $20,000. Our two newborn infant adoptions cost us about $11,000(0 after credits) and an estimated $15,000($2,000 after credits). This article will not...
The Happy Rock Garden welcomed its fourth member on Friday night, a second adopted son Julian. I will dub him The Happy Pebble Jr. to go along with our first Happy Pebble. He was born on Wednesday the 16th and we...
In the last post I asked some questions about the nature of Christmas spending and what we could do to change. I wanted to share some of the changes that my family has undergone in the last for years to fight...