Here is another strike against credit cards. Not only do they often cause us to spend more, but they make merchants charge more to cover the credit card processing fees are usually 2-3%. The best cash back credit card that I...
Just as I was praising ING for my great financial system, they go and drop the interest rate on the checking account on December 17 2008. Here is the official information : $0-49,999.99 earns a 0.50% APY $50,000.00-$99,999.99 earns a 2.85%...
I have said it before, but I love ING Direct and I have the accounts to prove it. I have an Electric Orange Checking Account, ING Direct Savings, and an Orange Mortgage all through ING. Here are 5 reasons I like...
I often talk about how destroying debt simplifies your life, but the word simplicity is vague and fluffy. It might not mean much to a lot of people. So let me take a shot at inspiring you with the current state...
I have mentioned Price Protectr before and how it nicely notifies you when the price of a recently purchased item drops after you buy it, so that you can email the online merchant and receive a post purchase refund. The biggest...
I mentioned a few weeks that I wanted to further simplify my financial system and closing extra accounts is a big part of that. Well…I closed my NJM Bank Checking account. I have been putting this off for about a year,...
The Rock Garden went vacationing this past weekend to Pocono Mountains of Pensylvania just outside of Jim Thorpe, PA. We got a great a good deal on a modern three bedroom house with a scenic view that I will post about...
About a month ago, I switched my only credit card from my Sunoco Mastercard which I have had since college to the Chase Freedom card. Why? Because I was leaving money on the table since I wasn’t taking advantage of the...
The Frugal Tool Chest is a recurring series covering practical tips and tools that will arm you to save even more money on your online purchases. I The first frugal tips involves a website that will notify you when the price...
Hooray for ING Direct. I made $1000 dollars of income in 2007 with no effort! I just got my tax sheet for my ING accounts and saw that I made $99.77 from interest from my checking account and over $900 from...